
If your birthday is on Saturday July 5 or Sunday July 6, 2025 and you are 18 years or older, you can get a free ticket for Forever Festival 2025. First read the conditions here and then contact the organization (starting januari 2025).
- Send us your details (naam, adres, telefoonnummer en geboortedatum) by mail. De organisatie neemt contact met je op en stuurt je de benodigde informatie hoe je je ticket kan ontvangen.
- You also have the opportunity to bring a maximum of 8 friends (18 years and older) for a reduced fee. The amount should be written upfront in the e-mail you send us. The owed amount can be transfered via electronic wire transfer or cash.
- Make sure you have a valid ID card, cause we might ask for it (No copy).
- Tickets already bought by friends cannot be returned for the reduced fee.
- This promotion runs until June 1, 2025! All requests coming in after this date will NOT be processed. Please keep this in mind!
- To be clear: the promotion is only intended for people whose birthday is on July 5 or July 6!
- Registrations from January 2025